Did you know that 50% of Australian adults do not have a legally binding Will?
In appreciation of all Geelong Football Club members and supporters we want to help make the process of accessing and creating a Will simple and easy for everyone. To achieve this, the Club has partnered with Gathered Here, an Australian online Will provider, and are delighted to offer you access to create a free online Will with unlimited updates for life, that only takes 10 minutes to complete.
Irrespective of how much you own, having an up-to-date Will is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family. Not only can a Will reduce financial and emotional stress in the future, but it can lay out exactly how you would like things handled, whilst also aligning with the values you have held throughout your lifetime.
Geelong Cats Forever
Within the Geelong Cats Foundation lies Geelong Cats Forever. A group that helps future-proof our football club and achieve sustained success through leaving a bequest, a gift in their Will, to the Club.
Whilst there is no obligation to leave a gift in your Will to the Geelong Football Club, a growing number of our supporters understand that one of the most powerful ways to help sustain and guarantee the Club’s existence for generations to come is by leaving us a Gift in their Will.
Gift in Wills are an increasingly impactful way for people to leave a legacy without it costing them a cent from their current finances. By gifting as little as 1% of your estate to the Geelong Football Club, you can ensure that your legacy and impact lasts forever.
Learn more about Geelong Cats Forever
To learn more about pledging a gift in your Will to the Geelong Football Club, please do not hesitate to contact the Geelong Cats Foundation on 03 5225 2322 or foundation@geelongcats.com.au.